Joshua Cox


Local Jessie for Raspberrypi ARM and the tinfoil hat sporting security nuts

Dec 19, 2015

Create a local jessie base image from which to stem your debian based containers so they’ll work on ARM and other platforms and for increased security.

Ok so this is a continuation of our earlier article here.

By starting your Dockerfiles with FROM local-jessie you will build images stemming from a locally produced Debian base image built directly on the RaspberryPi itself. Thus ensuring not only that the image is compatible with ARM, but perhaps more importantly it’s security as well, because being built locally you have much more confidence in the installed packages than something built remotely. The main project here consists of a Makefile that installs both base images on my master pi, homepage here

Essentially upon downloading that you should be able to call the script


afterwards you should have a local-jessie image you can source

root@dockerhost:~# docker images local-jessie
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
local-jessie        latest              a651d3b45b88        2 hours ago         305.3 MB

and by that I mean you can change any

FROM debian:jessie


FROM local-jessie

And it should use your locally built local-jessie from which to stem itself

An example is here where I forked the official rabbitmq image and swapped out the FROM line:

Now I can use rabbitmq on my Raspberrypi Cluster

If you have any problems feel free to open an issue

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