Changing Jekyll Categories And Redirects
Who gets the category right the first time around?
I certainly never seem to, and it’s always right after I share the link on some sort of social media, so I know hits wil be coming at the old address.
So let’s use the jekyll-redirect-from plugin (one of the few available on github pages)
You’ll need to add this to your _config.yml
- jekyll-redirect-from
then in the front matter of the post that is changing category add a redirect_from
(replace OLD_CATEGORY with the name of your OLD_CATEGORY, I tend to just copy the URI from the post before I change the category )
- /OLD_CATEGORY/2015/11/28/POST_NAME.html
- /OLDER_CATEGORY/2015/11/28/POST_NAME.html
Now people will get a metarefresh when they visit the old URL
You can see the official docs from github on this subject here:
[Github help page for redirects]